Garbage to Compost Sterilite Silvassa project(3 years)
CSR initiative under the slogan Garbage to Compost was initiated by Sterlite Technologies Silvassa Unit with technical, Training and Monitoring support from Garbage Concern Welfare Society. This was the first ever pilot project in Sustainable Solid Waste Management, under PPP(Public Private Partnership) Model daily managing 5 tons Market Waste, with 4 school drop- outs gaining employment from the same.
Key features of the Project
- Garbage to Compost Project the first ever successful PPP(Public Private Partnership) model between Sterlite Technologies Silvassa, Silvassa Municipal Corporation, Garbage Concern Welfare Society NGO Mumbai and 3- S Envosolutions Mumbai.
- The garbage was picked up from the market place. esp. vegetable remains were collected randomly. The compost that was generated was returned free of cost to the local poor farmers.
- Effectively implemented the project at the total cost of Rs. 19,86,000/- of which 12,83,500/- was returned back to the community by providing employment to 5 local school drop-outs(which was 65% of the total budget)
- Daily 5 tones (5475 tones) of Garbage were converted to compost. Cost of conversation is much less that is Rs. 362/- per ton per annum compared to cost of daily pickup rate of garbage at Rs. 500- Rs. 1250/-